Wednesday, January 03, 2007



   On a recent Thursday evening as the men studied in Ecclesiastes we talked about purpose and goals. I made the statement that they were basically the same. In thinking it through, I must change my statement.

   In a sense everyone’s purpose is the same. We were put on earth to glorify God. Rick Warren breaks that down into 5 areas. Each of us has an assignment or task given by God to accomplish that glory. The task may change but the purpose remains the same.

   Then we make goals to accomplish the purpose. Goals may be short term or long term. One of my goals last week was to work with others in giving out boxes of Christmas food. That took several days and resulted in over 200 people having a better Christmas dinner. Jesus said if we do something for others, He accepts it as unto Him. So I think God was glorified.

   My goals next week or next month will depend on current activity, but will always be geared toward my purpose to glorify God.

    The question we need to ask ourselves about each goal we set for ourselves is this: Will it glorify God? If not, we need to change the goal, because each goal should be to help reach our purpose.

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