Saturday, July 30, 2016


2 Corinthians 2:5-8 (NKJV)
5 ... If anyone has caused grief, he has not grieved me, but all of you
to some extent -- not to be too severe.
6 This punishment which was inflicted by the majority is sufficient for
such a man,
7 so that, on the contrary, you ought rather to forgive and comfort
him, lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with too much sorrow.
8 Therefore I urge you to reaffirm your love to him.
There is a time for discipline, but then comes forgiveness!
We do not know the fault of the one here, but Paul says it is time to
He uses 3 terms: forgive, comfort, and love.
Is there someone in your life who you need to forgive? Then why not, today?
You don't have to wait for an apology! That may never come!
But forgiveness will bring relief to your soul --- and your body!
Remember God's forgiveness for you!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Lord's victory!

I Samuel 17: 44-47 (NKJV)
44 And the Philistine (Goliath) said to David, "Come to me, and I will
give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!"
45 Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword,
with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the
LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
46 "This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, .... that all the
earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
47 "Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with
sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD'S, and He will give you into
our hands."
The battle between Goliath and David, is another one which is really a
battle between good and evil!
Goliath came to David in his own power!
David claimed the power of the LORD!
Today we as followers of Jesus Christ continue to be in a battle against
evil. We must remember that we do not fight in our own power, but that
the battle indeed is the Lord's. We are simply instruments in His hands.
That is not an excuse to stand by and do nothing. But it is a reminder
that we must be in the hand of the LORD!
Let Him use you and give Him the glory!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Wait on the LORD!

Psalm 25:1-3 (NKJV)
1 To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul.
2 O my God, I trust in You;
Let me not be ashamed;
Let not my enemies triumph over me.
3 Indeed, let no one who waits on
You be ashamed;
Let those be ashamed who
deal treacherously without cause.
Waiting and trusting in God is an ongoing endeavor.
Sometimes it seems that nothing is working out!
But God is above all and sees all.
Trust in Him to do what is best!
And remember to give Him the glory!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Pray for our nation!

I Timothy 2:1-4 (NKJV)
1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
3. for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the
We live in a troubled world. Some have given up on things improving.
But the answer is in this passage. Pray for all, including those in
leadership positions.
God holds the keys to the future. Depend on Him. PRAY!!!
This week pray for God's direction in the Republican Convention.
Next week pray for His direction in the Democratic Convention.
Pray for God to raise up leaders who will listen to Him, regardless of
their party!

Friday, July 08, 2016

In Troubled Times!

Psalm 37:7-8 (NKJV)
7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;
Do not fret --- it only causes harm.
"... the man who brings wicked schemes to pass."
We live in troubled times where it seems those kind of men rule the day!
But God says not to fret and to rest in Him.
That's a good word for today in our nation!

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Lead me, Lord!

Psalm 25:1,4-5 (NKJV)
1 To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul.
4 Show me Your ways, O LORD:
Teach me your paths.
5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day.
Our daily desire should be for His teaching!

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