Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ministry of Compassion

In Mark chapter 6 we read about Jesus sending out his apostles 2 by 2
to minister. When they returned they were excited to report to him the
things that had happened. Jesus suggested they go to a private place
away from the crowds for some report and rest time. But when they got
there, the crowds were there ahead of them. In verse 34 we read: "When
Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because
they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many
Did you notice? They are trying to get away from the crowds, but the
crowds follow them. Instead of complaining, he looked on them with
compassion and ministered to them. First teaching them, and later
feeding them!
From this passage we can learn some things about what I call our
"Ministry of Compassion". As we let God use us in such a ministry,
sometimes our plans will be interrupted. Thats ok, the God will provide.
Sometimes we will be called on to minister to needs that we think we
cannot do anything about. Jesus told the apostles to feed this crowd.
They could not but He could, and did. In our ministry we must depend on Him.
A third thing about this ministry of compassion. We run the risk of
someone taking advantage of us. Thats ok too. If we try to weed out
such, we will miss out on much ministry to many people who need us and God.
To summarize, our Ministry of Compassion:
May interrupt our plans.
May require resources we do not have.
May be taken advantage of.
God will provide for us and provided needed resources as we minister
in His name. He is Lord. He is Protector. He is Provider.
It is all to be done to His glory!

Sunday, May 06, 2007



Our high school prom was last night. It was at Feather River College,
about 25 miles from Greenville. Four young folks from our church had an
accident on the way. Ashley was one, along with her boyfriend Curtis and
Ryan and Amber. Ryan was driving his mom's Jeep Wagoneer In essence they
ran off the road and into the mountain side. "Ashley called me. When I
answered she said something like this, "Don't freak out Dad, but we just
had an accident. But we are ALL OK." After getting checked out at the ER,
they insisted on going on to the Prom. We compromised with an hour at
the prom, so Barbara, Terri (Ryan's mom) and I waited on the sidelines
while the kids enjoyed some of the prom. (The sidelines was as close as our ears could take!)
Our PRAISE is that there were no serious injuries. Both girls complain
of sore necks and Ashley has a sore elbow. And the boys are sore, but
neither of the boys was hurt bad enough to be checked at the ER. All were
shaken up and will have a "Prom to remember!" Thanks for praying for our
One report I overheard. A CHP officer came upon the scene about the time
everyone got out of the car. Another car of young folks came along about
then. When they realized that no one was seriously hurt, they stopped, bowed
their heads and thanked God for deliverance. The CHP officer was quoted
as saying that he knew there was "Hope" when he saw that.
To God be the Glory.

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