Saturday, December 11, 2010

50 Years Later!

    I recently attended the Reunion of my high school graduation class on the 50th anniversary of our graduation.
    Out of 57 graduates of the 1960 class of Monette (AR) High School, there remains 46. 17 of those gathered for a time of rememberance and getting reacquainted.
      Some of my friends kid me about going back to visit with all those "old folks". I assured them that our class is well preserved and we all look to have graduated very young!
      It was a good experience. First time I have seen some of them in 50 years! Frankie Grisham who organized this reunion suggested we start meeting every other year, because so many are leaving us. I don't plan on leaving very soon, but do hope to stay acquainted with my fellow graduates.
      If any of you read this, send me a note.

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