Tuesday, June 27, 2006


We have been praying for AARON BOYDSTON who is a youth pastor in Ojai, CA. He was diagnosed with a rare kind of leukemia in May. He ended up in ICU with an infection on top of that. After a month in ICU a scan on Friday shows there are no more leukemia cells. Here is his wife's explanation of what happened:

SMITE! (by Natalie)
June 27th, 2006

"…ye shall know that I am the Lord that smiteth!" Ezekiel 7:9

Ever since the bone marrow results came back positive for leukemic cells (after Aaron's first round of chemo), I have devoted myself to praying about these cells. When the results came back, there was a natural tendency to look at this as a negative situation. But the thing I keep learning about faith is that no matter what things look like, we are to keep trusting God. Since those results came back, I have worked at keeping my faith in God by CONSTANTLY squashing every discouraging, doubtful or negative thought that comes into my mind regarding Aaron's leukemia and replacing those thoughts with truths from God's Word about who God is and what He desires from us and for us. I have reminded myself that those results could be completely wrong, changed immediately by God or used for Aaron's protection in some way that is not obvious right now. As I have put my trust in God concerning the leukemia that remained in his bone marrow, I thought of the word "smite." I thought this word not only fit in well with Dad's description of the cancer as a battle but I thought it was a good King James word, too. I began to pray that God would smite the leukemia in Aaron’s bone marrow. Everyday, all day long, for the last couple of weeks this has been my cry to God. My good friends, Lisa and Nathan, have been praying for this smiting, as well. It was one of the best things in the world to get to make the "smite call" this morning to Lisa. In fact, she answered the phone by saying, "Is this the smite call?" We absolutely had faith that God would smite these leukemic cells in the marrow. We just waited on God's timing. Well, now the leukemic cells are gone from Aaron's bone marrow and I give absolute praise to God for this. It was not the doctors, it was not the medicine, it was God that removed the leukemic cells. I am very grateful for all of the doctors, nurses, medicine, technology, etc. that God has used thus far but I recognize that it is God that decided to remove the leukemic cells. Please, continue to pray with me. First of all, praise God for what He has done! Secondly, ask and believe that God will continue to bring complete healing for my husband. God has been faithful so far, there is no reason to doubt Him.

Praise the Lord!!!!

Pastor Fred, Thank you so much for all the prayer and support you've given to the Boydston's. It really means a lot to me and Jason.

Love the new blog format, by the way!
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