Saturday, March 03, 2007


During the last week I have been reading in Leviticus. It gets
rather tedious reading about the laws relating to leprosy in men,
buildings,and cloth. And many laws seem to deal with areas where I would
never be tempted. So I am tempted to say, "Why read this?" Then as I
plug on, it occurs to me that one message for me is this: "God is
interested in every detail of my life."

So maybe that is the answer to our boredom as we read some of the OT
material which seems not to apply. God is indeed concerned for every
area of our life. He gave the laws for protection and provision.
Thank you God, for caring about every detail.

You blogged!

Reading those types of passages always makes me think about how distinct God intended His people to be. It's really comforting to see it as His concern over even the tiny details.
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