Saturday, April 21, 2007
A Tribute to the Fallen
The Virginia Tech massacre has touched the world this week. I have
prayed for the various individuals involved. The families of those who
were killed are top on the list. Then of those who were injured and the
whole school family.
As I have watched the news reports, I have sometimes been frustrated
at the prognostications about causes and who to blame. But one thing
that stands out is the heroics of some of those who were killed.
The professor who blocked the door while some of his students escaped
through windows, gave his life to save some students. According to one
student in that room, no student in that room was killed, just some
injuries. The professor's actions allowed some to escape and apparently
baffled the shooter. My tribute to the professor.
One of the doctors at the hospital observed that some of the wounded
had slight wounds because the bullet had passed through a classmate who
shielded them. In other words, some of the students died in protecting
others. They must be honored.
Each of the students and the 4 professors had so much to offer.
Let's honor them.
One way we can honor them is to learn from this tragedy.
Let's express our love for others more frequently. We never know when
our opportunity may end. Let's be kind to everyone. Who knows what
effect our actions have on others -- both positive and negative.
Indeed, the world has lost some promising young people, but let's
honor them by learning from it and being challenged by their heroic actions.
The only way we will be able to do that is to seek God's direction in
our lives. May He bless the families and the students of VT.
prayed for the various individuals involved. The families of those who
were killed are top on the list. Then of those who were injured and the
whole school family.
As I have watched the news reports, I have sometimes been frustrated
at the prognostications about causes and who to blame. But one thing
that stands out is the heroics of some of those who were killed.
The professor who blocked the door while some of his students escaped
through windows, gave his life to save some students. According to one
student in that room, no student in that room was killed, just some
injuries. The professor's actions allowed some to escape and apparently
baffled the shooter. My tribute to the professor.
One of the doctors at the hospital observed that some of the wounded
had slight wounds because the bullet had passed through a classmate who
shielded them. In other words, some of the students died in protecting
others. They must be honored.
Each of the students and the 4 professors had so much to offer.
Let's honor them.
One way we can honor them is to learn from this tragedy.
Let's express our love for others more frequently. We never know when
our opportunity may end. Let's be kind to everyone. Who knows what
effect our actions have on others -- both positive and negative.
Indeed, the world has lost some promising young people, but let's
honor them by learning from it and being challenged by their heroic actions.
The only way we will be able to do that is to seek God's direction in
our lives. May He bless the families and the students of VT.
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I think that is a testimony to the resilience of the students and also indication of their need to be with one another through the storm.
Christians can learn a lesson here. We too often want to run and seclude ourselves when things don't go our way.
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Christians can learn a lesson here. We too often want to run and seclude ourselves when things don't go our way.
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