Friday, January 04, 2008


"So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided."
                                                        Genesis 22:14 NIV  
   Last night in our men's meeting, we studied Genesis chapter 22. This is the account of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son Issac. His only son! The son of promise! We read that he was prepared to do it and was stopped at the last moment. God provided a ram caught in the bushes for the sacrifice.
   From this study we drew 3 lessons:
    1.  Abraham gives us an example of faith and confidence that God can and will provide every need. He even thought God could bring Issac back from the dead. His confidence in God is a great challenge.
    2.  Issac gives us an example of submission. Surely as a young man he could have resisted his father when he came to tie him up to put him on the altar. But he submitted to his fathers will. He is a type and forgleam of Jesus Christ who willing submitted to His Father on the cross.
    3.  But the greatest lesson is that "The LORD will provide". As we are challenged to have faith and submit ourselves to God, the focus is on Him, not our faith. God did commend Abraham's faith, but we know that his faith was up and down. God provided because of His plan. So in our life, we are called to faith, but the focus must be on the God who provides rather than our faith.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


This is my final Christmas sermon and talks about the joys of knowing Jesus as Savior. Happy New Year!!!


Matthew 2:1-12

INTRO:  The wise men saw a star and came to Jerusalem seeking the new born king. When they were sent to Bethlehem the star led them to Jesus. There are several things we can see in the star. I choose to look at the 5 points to see 5 things God gives us in Jesus:

HOPE (Isa 9:2; I Thess. 4:13-14

   In Isaiah we read about light for those in darkness.

   Sickness and death bring questions of hope.

   Paul says that hope goes beyond this world.

   One of the saddest statements:

      "We had hoped ….. " Emaus disciples in Luke 24.

PEACE (Luke 2:13-14; John 14:27)

   In the last 3500 years we have had 250 years of peace according to Guinness Book of World Records.

   Jesus brings the promise of peace.

   Peace in the world may be fleeting

   Peace in the heart = personal harmony.

JOY (Luke 2:10-12; John 15:11)

   Counterfeit joy – Men seek it in a bottle, pills, etc.

   True joy comes from Christ:

            He satisfies our cravings for God.

            He offers us purpose in life.

            He gives contentment. (Paul in prison)

LOVE (I John 4:9-11)

   Love is God's chief characteristic. God is love.

   Love is chief characteristic of Jesus. Should be ours too.

LIFE (John 3:16)

  That whoever believes should have life.

   John 10:10, Jesus said he came to bring abundant life.

APPLICATION: The Wise men came seeking Jesus and they received this hope, peace, joy, love, and life. Do you have it?


Another title of this could be "The Gifts of Christmas" as it talks about the things we have when we receive Jesus Christ as Savior.


Sermon preached at Greenville So Baptist Church, December 30, 2007.


Happy New Year!!!


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