Friday, January 04, 2008


"So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided."
                                                        Genesis 22:14 NIV  
   Last night in our men's meeting, we studied Genesis chapter 22. This is the account of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son Issac. His only son! The son of promise! We read that he was prepared to do it and was stopped at the last moment. God provided a ram caught in the bushes for the sacrifice.
   From this study we drew 3 lessons:
    1.  Abraham gives us an example of faith and confidence that God can and will provide every need. He even thought God could bring Issac back from the dead. His confidence in God is a great challenge.
    2.  Issac gives us an example of submission. Surely as a young man he could have resisted his father when he came to tie him up to put him on the altar. But he submitted to his fathers will. He is a type and forgleam of Jesus Christ who willing submitted to His Father on the cross.
    3.  But the greatest lesson is that "The LORD will provide". As we are challenged to have faith and submit ourselves to God, the focus is on Him, not our faith. God did commend Abraham's faith, but we know that his faith was up and down. God provided because of His plan. So in our life, we are called to faith, but the focus must be on the God who provides rather than our faith.

Brother Fred, thanks for that. With the weather we've been hit with, Jenn asked me to stay home with her and kids today. I could tell work was not happy about this.

All morning I was stressing over this. I'm not on the best of terms with my employer for reasons we've discussed (incidentally the mandated counseling appt went well with the counselor stating the company had committed a serious breach of etiquette and doesn't see a reason for the meetings to continue). I was afraid they'd take this opportunity to fire me. If I change jobs before the house closes on the 18th, then we loose it. This was weighing heavily on my mind.

As I shifted to thinking about this Sunday's sermon (Mark 8) I realized the emphasis is trusting Christ. Do what you're called to do and trust Him. How many times have I said that over the past couple years?

Anyway, I realized it was all in His hands anyway. Your posting of this passage comes at just the right time.
A very powerful message and a message that every living being should hear. With my job challenges that I have had lately I can say that the only "peace" that I have found is trusting that God will provide, and that He has a plan for me.
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