Sunday, March 23, 2008
Luke 24:1-35
INTRO: For the followers of Jesus it had been a long and busy week. It had been a week of high points and times of routine. It had ended with tragedy on Friday with the crucifixion of Jesus, the one they had hoped would be the Messiah.
The women had come to the tomb early on Sunday morning and found it empty. We focus on two of his disciples as they return home saddened and uncertain.
ON THE ROAD (vv. 13-29)
They walk along in sorrow.
Jesus joins them, but they do not recognize Him.
He expresses concern for themÂ…
They are amazed that he does not know what happened.
He taught them from their Scriptures about what must be.
They prepare dinner.
He takes bread and blessed it.
They recognize Him, but He disappears!
They rush back to
When they got there they were talking about his appearance.
They told about their experience.
In this passage I see at least 5 differences in the lives of the disciples when they met the Living Christ. We can experience these same changes:
1. Uplifted hearts (vs. 32)
2. Freedom from fear. (vs. 33)
3. Understanding of Scripture. (vs. 27 & 32)
4. A message to share. (vs. 35, 47)
5. A life to give. Our reasonable service (
Have you experienced this kind of deliverance? You can through faith in Jesus whose life we celebrate today.
Greenville Southern Baptist Church
Pastor Fred D. Kerr
March 23, 2008
dialog welcome