Thursday, May 08, 2008
GOLD in your Hand
Acts 3: 1-10 - Exodus 4: 1-5
INTRO: As Peter and John entered the temple for prayer, they met a crippled beggar. Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have, I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."
"I give what I have." Moses at the burning bush in an O.T. counterpart was called to do the same. His rod became a serpent when thrown on the ground and a rod when he picked it up. "The Rod of God" would play a part in the deliverance of the people from
Today, I would like to ask you, "What is in your hand?" And contrary to what Peter said, I want to suggest that you have GOLD in your hand:
The need of salvation man's sinfulness.
God's provision for forgiveness.
Man's need to repent and accept forgiveness.
Believers' need to share this gospel.
Faith in God's work.
Obedience to His commandments.
It will lead to ministry.
It will impact your world.
Love for God. -- Love for others.
Bringing them together.
Lifestyle. Being God's person in your world.
Moses' rod became the rod of God. Peter had only the power of God. What is in your hand? Does it belong to God? You do have GOLD, but it all came from God. Will you let Him use it?
Delivered at Greenville Southern Baptist Church
May 4, 2008
Pastor Fred D. Kerr
dialog welcome