Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Eph 2:18-22 (HCSB)
This passage is about the reality that in Christ Jews and Gentiles are brought together. As I read this passage, the tenses of the verbs jumped out at me. Note that in verse 20 we have been built (completed) on the foundation with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone. Then in Verse 21-22 the verbs become active (present). So the church (and individual members) are "being fitted together", "growing", and "being built together". Note the "ing" words indicate a process.
So when we are not quite satisfied with what is happening, let us take comfort that we are indeed established on a sure foundation -- that is those of us who have placed faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. But God is in the process of building us up. So we are a work in process and must wait to see how God is going to complete the job.