Thursday, December 11, 2008

Master in the Manger



Luke 2:4-7; 5:4-5


INTRO:  At Christmas time we hear about the baby in the manger, the wise men, the shepherds and the little town of Bethlehem. Sometimes the real meaning of the coming of Jesus is lost in the details. That baby grew up and followed God's purpose. We must respond to him. Hopefully we will respond in faith. That will lead us to calling Him, Master. This was one of Peter's favorite titles for Him:

  Master, Master, we are perishing! Luke 8:24

  Master, the multitudes throng and press you. Luke 8.45

  Master, it is good for us to be here.  Luke 9:33

What does the title imply?

1. SUBMISSION.    We first must submit to Him as Savior, then as Lord.

2. LOVE.     We express love to one another by exchanging gifts. Christmas should remind us of the love God has for us and call forth our love for Him.

3. ADORATION.     It is recognition of His glory.  "We praise You, we bless You, we worship You, we glorify You." All this we say when we address Him as Master.

4. ALLEGIANCE.     To use the title is to pledge our allegiance to Him. We cannot serve any other.

5. CONFIDENCE.     We can trust Him completely. We have signed up for life. He is a Master who cares for us. We can depend on Him.

6. OBEDIENCE. We commit ourselves to Him. As we pledge our obedience to Him, He enables us to obey by His grace and Spirit in our lives.

CONCLUSION: Jesus Christ is the Master in the manger. He deserves our submission, love, adoration, allegiance, confidence, and obedience. We should be able to say, "Master, Take my life and let it be consecrated to Thee."


Preached December 7, 2008, Greenville Southern Baptist Church

Pastor Fred D. Kerr


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